
Showing posts from November, 2019

All About Australian Dairy Industry

Since its beginning, Australian dairy has grown substantially into the vibrant, innovative and successful national industry.  Not to mention that it contributes to more than $12 billion to the economy of Australia. The livestock export company Malaysia or others have been gaining benefits from this industry. The first of the dairy livestock entered New South Wales these included a couple of bulls including seven cows made the long trip from England and escaped into the nearby bush land not long after they arrived. The first of the dairy farmers of Australia quickly adopted to their new environment, making butter and other products during spring and summer. The dairy industry grew rapidly which also grew production of Australian dairy goat export Malaysia through breeding and importing, Australia had a population of more than 300 bulls as well as more than 600 cows. Not long after, farmers from the district of New South Wales, Illawarra began to send their dairy pr...